2022 Pennsylvania Food Stamps Increase

It’s a new year and with the continued increase in food prices, one of the questions we have received from Pennsylvania SNAP recipients is whether there will be an increase in Pennsylvania food stamps benefits. Specifically, will there be a cost of living adjustment to food stamps benefits in 2022 to make up for the increase in food prices? In this post, we will explain in detail what the 2022 Pennsylvania Stamps Increase will be, the income limits to qualify for benefits, and how much a family of 4 or 5 will get in SNAP benefits.

Additionally, we will provide a list of other food stamps changes in 2022 that may affect your benefits.

"2022 Pennsylvania Food Stamps Increase"

2022 Pennsylvania Food Stamps Increase

If you are approved for food stamps in Pennsylvania, how much in benefits you get partly depends on the:

  • Number of people in your household,
  • Total amount of your household’s income, and
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Thrifty Food Plan.

The Thrifty Food Plan is a government estimate of how much it costs to provide a household with nutritious, low-cost meals.

The table below shows the maximum food stamps benefits for households with zero income.

As your income increases, your Pennsylvania SNAP benefit amount goes down.

Household Size Pennsylvania SNAP Maximum Monthly Allotment
1 $250
2 $459
3 $658
4 $835
5 $992
6 $1,190
7 $1,316
8 $1,504
Each Additional Member: +$188

For the 2023 SNAP Increase see our post on Pennsylvania Food Stamps Increase for 2023.

How Much will a Family of 4 Get in Food Stamps?

Here’s how to calculate how much a family of 4 will get in Pennsylvania SNAP benefits.

First, we need to start with the household income.

If you have a countable net income, multiply your net monthly income by 0.3 (30 percent).

Round up this amount to the nearest dollar.

Next, take this amount and subtract it from the maximum benefit level for a household of your size.

From the table above, the maximum a household of 4 could receive in Pennsylvania SNAP is $835.

The result is the amount of your monthly Pennsylvania SNAP benefits for a family of 4.

Here’s an example:

Example: Gina and her family of four (4) have $1,300 in net income after allowable income and shelter deductions. To determine the family’s SNAP benefits, take 30% of the “net income” (30% of $1,300) and subtract it from the maximum benefit, as follows:

$1,300 Net Income for Gina’s family
x .30 (Multiply by 30%)
$ 390 Countable Income
$ 835 Maximum SNAP for 4 persons
-$390 Countable income
$ 445 Monthly SNAP benefits for Gina’s family

How much will a Family of 5 get in Pennsylvania SNAP?

Using the same example above, we are going to calculate how much Gina’s family will get if they were a family of 5 with the same $1,700 net income.

From the table above, the maximum a household of 5 could receive in Pennsylvania SNAP is $992.

Example: Gina and his family of five (five) have $1,700 in net income after allowable income and shelter deductions. To determine the family’s SNAP benefits, take 30% of the “net income” (30% of $1,700) and subtract it from the maximum benefit, as follows:

$ 1,700 Net Income for Gina’s family
x .30 (Multiply by 30%)
$ 510 Countable Income
$ 992 Maximum SNAP for 5 persons
-$510 Countable income
$ 482 Monthly SNAP benefits for Gina’s family

SNAP Emergency Allotment Approved Through May 2022

Pennsylvania Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients will continue to get an extra monthly emergency payment through May 2022.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SNAP recipients have been receiving extra monthly emergency allotments since April 2020.

On January 15, 2022, the Biden administration extended the federal emergency declaration due to the pandemic for an additional 90 days; therefore, the SNAP emergency allotment payments will continue through May – due to an automatic extra month provided by the program rules.

Households that are already eligible for the maximum benefit amount will receive an extra $95 per month.

Additionally, households that are close to the maximum (less than $95 away) will be guaranteed emergency allotments of $95 per household.

For the maximum SNAP benefits by household size for 2022, see the table above.

Other Food Stamps Changes in 2022

Here are the other Pennsylvania SNAP changes in 2022 that may affect your benefits:

Updated Pennsylvania Income Limits for 2022

The biggest factor when determining if you are eligible for food stamp benefits is your household income.

Each year, the USDA is responsible for setting the Income Eligibility Standards for SNAP. These standards are then used to perform an income test on all households that apply for food stamp benefits.

The income test is required for all households, unless your household is already receiving cash assistance benefits from the federal government or your state.

Most households must have a total gross monthly income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL), to be potentially eligible for Pennsylvania SNAP benefits.

If your household has a person who is 60 or older or disabled, only the net income limit must be met.

The Pennsylvania SNAP Income Limit for 2021-2022 is based on your household’s total income and size.

To see if your household’s income meets the fiscal year 2022 SNAP Eligibility Requirements, use the chart below:

SNAP Income Limits in Pennsylvania (Oct. 1, 2021, through Sep. 30, 2022)

Household Size Maximum Gross
Monthly Income
Maximum Gross Monthly Income for household with member age 60+ or disabled
1 $1,718 $2,148
2 $2,323 $2,904
3 $2,928 $3,660
4 $3,534 $4,418
5 $4,139 $5,174
6 $4,744 $5,930
7 $5,350 $6,688
8 $5,955 $7,444
9 $6,562 $8,202
Each additional family member +$606 +$758

New Allowable Deductions for 2022

To calculate your net monthly income, you must deduct approved household expenses. Here are the expenses that can be deducted from your household’s gross income:

  • 20% deduction from Earned Income
  • Standard deduction of $177 for households with 1 to 3 people and $184 for households with 4 or more people (see chart below)
  • Dependent care deduction when needed for work, training, or education
  • A deduction for elderly or disabled members medical expenses that exceed $35 a month (if not paid by insurance or someone else)
  • Any legally owed child support payments can be deducted
  • Homeless Household’s shelter costs deduction of $159.73.
  • A deduction for excess shelter costs that exceed more than half of the household’s income (after the other deductions listed above & cannot exceed $597 unless a household member is elderly or disabled).

2022 Pennsylvania Food Stamps Increase Summary

We hope this post on the 2022 Pennsylvania Food Stamps Increase was helpful.

If you need additional help regarding Pennsylvania SNAP or EBT, please let us know in the comments section below.

If you found this article helpful, we encourage you to please share it with someone using the “Share this” button below.

In the meantime, be sure to check out our other articles on Pennsylvania SNAP and EBT:
Pennsylvania SNAP Benefits FAQs
How to Create COMPASS Online Account
My COMPASS Account Login
How to get a Pennsylvania EBT Card Replacement
February Extra SNAP Benefits for PA
Does Whole Foods Take SNAP EBT in Pennsylvania?
How to Use SNAP EBT at Wegmans


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