Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July 2022

In the state of Pennsylvania, there are currently over 987,280 households receiving SNAP benefits or Food Stamps, with about 1,859,781 Pennsylvanians receiving benefits in March 2022 alone, according to the USDA. If you are currently receiving SNAP benefits in Pennsylvania, knowing when your food stamps will be deposited into your EBT card is important in helping you budget for the month. In this post, we will provide the Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July 2022, including Cash Assistance deposits.

See the schedule for August 2022.

"Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July"

Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July 2022

In the state of Pennsylvania, each county distributes SNAP benefits to those who qualify.

Payments are not made on a single day of the month.

Instead, Food Stamps Benefits are deposited on EBT Cards over the first 10 business days of every month.

Additionally, Cash Assistance Benefits are deposited between the 11th and 20th business day of the month.

When your food stamps benefit or cash assistance benefit is deposited on your EBT Card depends on the last digit of your case number.

See below for the SNAP payment schedule for Pennsylvania for July 2022.

The last digit of your Case Number ends in SNAP Benefits are available on
1 July 1
2 July 5
3 July 6
4 July 7
5 July 8
6 July 11
7 July 12
8 July 13
9 July 14
0 July 15

Pennsylvania EBT Cash Benefit Schedule for 2022

When your Cash Assistance benefit is deposited on your EBT Card depends on the last digit of your case number.

Any remaining balance on your EBT card is added to the next month’s balance.

Here is the schedule of payment based on the last digit of your case number:

The last digit of your Case Number ends in Cash Benefits are available on
1 July 18
2 July 19
3 July 20
4 July 21
5 July 22
6 July 25
7 July 26
8 July 27
9 July 28
10 July 29

How much will I get in Pennsylvania Food Stamps?

The chart below shows the maximum SNAP benefits you can get based on the number of people in your household.

To calculate the exact amount you are likely to get based on your household income, see our post on Pennsylvania SNAP Calculator.

Household Size Maximum SNAP Allotment
1 $250
2 $459
3 $658
4 $835
5 $992
6 $1,190
7 $1,316
8 $1,504
For each additional member over 8 $188

Food Stamps: July Benefits for Pennsylvania Recipients

All SNAP households should receive their July benefits according to schedule.

If you did not receive your food stamps on schedule, call the SNAP office to find out why.

You can use your SNAP benefits to shop online, including on Amazon.

Additionally, you can use SNAP benefits to purchase produce at farmers’ markets, including markets that offer double bucks.

What Fast Food Places Take Pennsylvania EBT/Food Stamps/SNAP?

The Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) is a federal program that enables qualified elderly, disabled, and homeless food stamps recipients to buy food at authorized restaurants. Any state or county can enroll in the Restaurant Meals Program.

The purpose of the program is to help expand food access to those who do not have a place to store and cook food, who may not be able to prepare food or who don’t have access to a grocery store.

Not all states participate in the RMP.

Currently, the Restaurant Meal Program is running in the following states:

  • California
  • Arizona
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • New York
  • Rhode Island

In the state of Pennsylvania, some restaurants accept Food Stamp benefits from some homeless, elderly, or disabled people in exchange for low-cost meals.

Contact your County Assistance Office for a list of these restaurants.

Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July Summary

Here’s the bottom line about the Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July 2022:

SNAP households in all counties in Pennsylvania should have their SNAP deposits between July 1st – July 15th.

Additionally, Cash Benefits recipients should have their assistance benefits deposits between July 18th – July 29th.


We hope this post on the Pennsylvania SNAP Payment Schedule for July was helpful.

If you have further questions about Pennsylvania SNAP or EBT Card, please let us know in the comments section below.

For more help on what and where you can use your Pennsylvania EBT Card, check out our other articles here:


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